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Permissions are listed in table format. How to look at table is explained.
- Notation to represent domain and type
- global
It means all domains.
- from, entry, to
from domain, entry point, to domain in domain transition rule.
- Notation to represent many permissions
Following are used to describe set of permissions(it is to save space.)
- file_type
All types for files.
- all_file_class
It means all object classes related to file(dir file
lnk_file sock_file fifo_file chr_file blk_file)
- notdevfile_class
Means all file related object classes except device(dir
file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file)
- notdevdir_class
Means file related object classes except device and dir(file lnk_file sock_file fifo_file)
- notdir_class
Means file related object classes except dir(file lnk_file
sock_file fifo_file chr_file blk_file)
- socket_common_all_perms
Permissions common to sockets(ioctl readwrite create
getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind
connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom
sendto recv_msg send_msg name_bind )
- tcp_socket_all_perms
Permissions common to tcp socket(ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto recv_msg send_msg name_bind connectto newconn acceptfrom node_bind name_connect)
- udp_socket_all_perms
Permissions common to udp socket(ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock relabelfrom relabelto append bind connect listen accept getopt setopt shutdown recvfrom sendto recv_msg send_msg name_bind node_bind)
- Tables in section 2
These tables describes what kind of permissions are not supported.
Titles of table show why these permissions are not
For example, the title of table 1 is Dead permission. It means
permissions in table is not supported because these are dead
permission in SELinux. Detailed reason why unsupported will be described in
future :-)
Let's see example. First line in table1, all_file_class,
swapon, global , file_type is described.
It means, all domains(global) are allowed permission swapon for
all object class related to file(all_file_class), to all types
related to file(file_type). It equals following allow statement
in SELinux.
allow global file\_type:all\_file\_class swapon;
So this means, swapon permission is allowed(=not supported).
- Tables in section 3
These tables describe how permissions are integrated in SPDL.
Let's see example. Look at table 11. This table describes
permissions allowed when using allow filename r; statement.
all_file_class, ioctl lock read, domain, type are described
This means, ioctl lock read permissions for all file related
object classes are allowed.
Following was automatically generated by
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Yuichi Nakamura