domain httpd_t ; allowtmp -dir /var/run -name auto r,w;Files created under /var/run by httpd_t is labeled as httpd_var_run_t and httpd_t can r,w,s access to such files.
domain httpd_t allowtmp -dir /var/run -name auto r,w; domain named_t allowtmp -dir /var/run -name auto r,w; domain initrc_t; allowtmp -dir /var/run -name all r,w;Files created under /var/run by httpd_t is labeled as httpd_var_run_t and httpd_t can r,w access to such files(named_t can not access). Files created under /var/run by named_t is labeled as named_var_run_t and named_t can r,w access to such files(httpd_t can not access) initrc_t can r,w access to above files because -name all is specified. -name all is used to administrate files created by allowtmp.