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11.1 Port usage

  1. Syntax
    allownet -protocol protocol -port port number permission;
    protocol: tcp,udp can be specified, splitted by ,.
    port number: number and -1023 and 1024- , and * can be described, splitted by ,.
    permission: client or server splitted by , can be described
  2. Meaning
    Allow permissions to be TCP/UDP server/client using port. Port number -1023 means, all unused ports under 1023. 1024- means all unused ports after 1024. * means all ports.
  3. Note about udp server
    If you describe allownet -protocol udp -port xxx server; The domain also behave as client to port number over 1024.
  4. Example
    domain httpd_t;
    # httpd_t can be server using port 80 and 443.
    allownet -protocol tcp -port 80,443 server;
    # httpd_t can use TCP/UDP 3306 service(MySQL) as client.
    allownet -protocol tcp,udp 3306 client;

Yuichi Nakamura 2006-11-13