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13.4 allowpriv: other privileges

Allow other privileges.
  1. quotaon
    Allow to quotaon.
  2. mount
    Allow to mount device.

  3. unlabel
    Allow full access to unlabeled files(Files labeled as unlabeled_t).

  4. devcreate
    Allow to create device files in directory that the domain can write. Without this, a process can not create device file on a directory even it is configured writable.
  5. setattr
    Allow to setattr to files that the domain can s access. Without this setattr permission is granted in w permission.
  6. search
    Allow s permission to all files.
  7. read
    Allow r permission to all files.
  8. write
    Allow w permission to all files.
  9. all

Yuichi Nakamura 2006-11-13