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7.1 allow

  1. Syntax
    1. allow filename $\mid$ label [r],[w],[x],[s],[o],[t],[a],[c],[e],[dx];
  2. Meaning
    1. Allow access to file.
  3. Specifying filename

  4. Meaning of permissions.
  5. Example
    domain httpd_t;
    allow /var/www/** r,s;
    httpd_t is allowed to read all files and directories under /var/www and its children.
  6. Detailed configuration support
    In addition to s,r,x,w permissions, permissions o,t,a,c,e can be used. Permission w is divided into those permissions.
  7. Domain execute permission
    dx permission means Domain Execute. If domain is defined for the program, program is executed in new domain.
    	  domain httpd_t;
              program /usr/sbin/httpd;
              allow /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi r,s,dx;
    	  domain cgi_t;
              program /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi;
              allow ............
    In this case, httpd_t domain have dx permission to test.cgi. Domain is defined below. So, test.cgi runs as different domain.
  8. Limitation about home-directories
    Deny statement for individual home directory does not work. For example,
    deny /home/ynakam/public_html;
    does not work.

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Yuichi Nakamura 2006-11-13