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7.2 deny

  1. Syntax
    deny filename;
  2. Meaning
    This is used to describe constraints for allow and, also used to cancel allow.
  3. Example
    1. Example 1: Describe constraints
      *In file constraints
      deny /etc/shadow;
      *In httpd_t.a
      domain httpd_t;
      include constraints;
      allow /etc/* r,s; 
      By include constraints; configuration in file constrains is included . So, the above configuration is the same as following.
      domain httpd_t;
      include constraints;
      deny   /etc/shadow;
      allow /etc/* r,s;
      This means, httpd_t have r,s permission to files in /etc. But can not access /etc/shadow. To allow access to /etc/shadow, allow /etc/shadow r,s; should be described explicitly. Deny is useful to prevent misconfiguration.

    2. Example 2: Cancel allow
      domain httpd_t;
      allow /etc/* r,s;
      deny /etc;
      allow /etc/* r,s; is cancelled by deny /etc;

Yuichi Nakamura 2006-11-13