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5.2 Contents of directory for simplified policy

Sample simplified policy is located at "/etc/selinux/seedit/src/policy/". Some directories and files are located there.

5.2.1 simplified_policy

This is the most important. At the directory sample simplified policy is stored. For detail of syntax for simplified policy, see 8.
Sample simplified policy are described in global, and domain.te

5.2.2 Makefile

This is Makefile to compile simplified policy and to load policy to kernel. See 5.3.

5.2.3 base_policy

Files in this directory is used by converter to generate SELinux policy.

5.2.4 macros

Macros to generate SELinux policy is stored. Converter generates policy including macros. In make, macros are processed by m4 and policy.conf is generated.

5.2.5 sepolicy

Generated SELinux policy is written in this directory.

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