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Install packages for Fedora 8 : Current version 2.2.0
SEEdit is included in Fedora. You can install by yum.
How to install, please look at here

Install packages for Cent OS 5:  2.2.0
(these packages should also work on RHEL 5)
seeditseedit-policy,  seedit-gui 

Install packages for Cent OS 4.4:  2.1.0
(these packages should also work on RHEL 4)
  seeditseedit-policy,  seedit-gui 
Policy development for embedded devices:

How to install 2.1: here
Installing from source: here
Manual, other documents:here

You can get the source code as a package here.

SELinux Policy Editor is developed using subversion on sourceforge.net. You can get a copy of the source code with the following command:
svn co https://seedit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/seedit/trunk
You can view the subversion tree from following URL:

You can read documentation here.

SELinux Policy Editor is Free Software released under the GNU GPL license.
Copyright 2005-2007 SELinux Policy Editor Project